Thursday, February 16, 2012

Creating and building, stacking and writing.

I was going to write something about love for V-Day, but I decided to talk about something I love to do instead.

But first... the stage...

Minecraft looks like a pretty crappy game, doesn't it? The graphics aren't that good, it's really simple... it's just glorified legos with zombies and exploding monsters, right?

Well, all of those things are true. And that's why I love the game. The fighting and the silly animals are really only partially why I still play the game, even after owning the game for over a year. The thing I REALLY like to do.. is build. The bigger, the better.

This has been the most recent manifestation of my liking of building things. I've been interested in model building since I was a little girl, but really didn't get into it until I did a project for history class in H.S. Something about dolling up the little branches to make them look like trees, and painting the little roofs and doors that stuck a chord with me. (I like that expression. Hush. <.< ) I did a few other small projects but then it got put on the backburner for quite a long time.

And then, I discovered Warhammer 40K.(You can blame Ryan for that.) For those of you that don't know, it's a miniatures game, set in the far future. It's all strategy, and you buy your armies and paint them, and then you play on a large board, with terrain. After everyone decides that the terrain (which can be anything from hills to destroyed buildings) is sufficient, dice are rolled, and the game begins.

Although I think the game is fun in and of itself, you can see why I loved it so much. You mean I can customize tiny little plastic/metal guys (or girls?) PURPLE DEATH ARMY HERE I COME!

We have since stopped playing...for now. Papa hadn't touched his armies in quite a long time before he got me hooked. I'm sure we'll get back into it once again.

A few years later, this game everyone has been raving about becomes available to me and so I slap the 15 or so dollars to buy it and now I'm building giant frigates made out of cubes.

This is only half of what this post is about, though.

The other thing I like to do (or, I would like to do) is to program a game. Probably text based adventure kind. That is also a long story... I started roleplaying online when I was 12 but I never really liked the forum format. I discovered MU*s in high school; (That is, MUDs or MUSHes, text based multiplayer games. I like them both... MUDs tend to be more grindy while MUSHes are more roleplaying/interactive. Think about the difference between say, DnD and Exalted). The reason I'd love to put something together like this probably stems from my love of writing. I love making up stories. And I love playing games. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR?

Papa and I have toyed with several ideas over the years. So many started and never finished projects. I'm in the mood for building worlds again. I'm not sure how or in what way. I'm actually toying with an idea of an adventure map for MC, but I'm not sure. We'll see.

I guess that's it. I'm still a little kid at heart. Playing with blocks.

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