Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just Like Music

I probably shouldn't be doing this post now... as it is 20 minutes after midnight and I'm sleepy. But I feel like writing so here we go.

Music. It's wonderful, isn't it? Who knew that a collection of tones, arranged just so would pull such a myriad of emotions from your very soul or inner being?

My love affair with music began as a child. Our music program at school was actually short lived. But in that time, I saw my first love: the violin. The sound of bow upon strings (and strings in general) would haunt me for a long time.

Still, the first instrument I picked up (after moving schools. The immersion programmed moved from my elementary school to another school and we got a good program for music) was the clarinet. I played it *all the time.* So much so that people used to tease me about it. But I didn't care. It was a means of expression for me, I suppose. This would be the first (but not the last) time a music teacher has said that I had natural musical talent.

I got first chair in our tiny music group... before our music program went to shit. Oh well, no music for the poor folks, huh?

Around high school I got a giant keyboard... my second love. I took a piano class in my sophmore year. (I think it was my sophmore  year.. that was so long ago. D:) As well as learning pieces, I started working with transcribing songs that I loved onto the piano.

Time passed, and moving happened. I took guitar in my senior year, you know, for funsies. I still had a keyboard then as well. I liked playing guitar. It was something playing the strings in tandem with each other that really struck a chord with me (no pun intended.)

More moving and more changing happened, and now here I am, an adult. I have a keyboard again, and a guitar and a violin. I took violin lessons for a short while, but couldn't afford taking them anymore so now it only comes out once in a while. Even though it was my first love, violins are only my second favorite instrument.  My ultimate favorite instrument is the cello.

Stringed instruments. I love them muchly. When you hear me speak about violins and cellos, I will often say that they sing to me. It's how I would describe the sort of music both of these instruments make. Nothing can pull me as hard as they do.

However... harmonies, in voice, do come close. There is just something about it that kills me every single time. The right marriage of sound... it's hard to describe in words.

I've always liked singing, though I never took any classes or anything. I don't really think I'm all that good to be honest. (I'm sure there are those out there who disagree. Nyeh I say!)

I intend for music to be apart of my life until my dying day, and to pass on even a portion of my appreciation for it to my children, and beyond. It's a lovely thing to share. If you'll forgive the expression... music is a gift that keeps on giving.

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